Thursday, April 24

This is at Caribean Beach it is a place where there is a beach and there are tube slides, and a pool, and restaurants. It is a lot of fun. And every few hours the waves at the beach part get really big and they are really fun!! I love this place!!


melandaaron said...

this looks like so much fun! you guys are doing all kinds of neat stuff! :)

Amy Donell Molina said...

Konichiwa Rebekah! LONG TIME NO SEE YOUR BLOG!sorry... i´ve been out of the loop. i know you are back in greenville right now... and probably don´t really care much about your blog... so you may not get this until after you back in Japan. It's just been so long since I've checked and seen your blog (sorry). I hope you're having a blast in Greenville... i know things have probably changed since you've been there last... YOU'VE changed!.... but I'm praying that it be a sweet time for you and your fam! There's nothing like being back "home" with your family, right?
.... i love the pictures you have posted! they are great!!!! you're GROWING UP SO MUCH BECKS!... i wish I could be there. I love you so much my dear friend. lots of hugs! (and no drugs)
